Find tips and tools for youth burn survivors, ranging from infants to teenagers.
In This Guide
If you are caring for a young burn survivor, this guide will help you navigate some of the common challenges caregivers face, you'll learn how to navigate the complexities of recovery with your child, and much more.

Here are key takeaways to expect:
With any age group, keep the conversation open and honest. There is no shame in being a survivor, and keeping the conversation open will help ensure that.
It is normal for caregivers to feel guilt, but living with that feeling can impact your ability to support your child. Caregivers need support too. Try to find a support group or system to work through these feelings.
As your child goes through changes in their development, continue to ask what they need in terms of advocacy from you. This changes over time!
Rehearsing your responses is a powerful tool for the whole family to use. Responding to staring with a quick explanation can help demystify the story and give you control.
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