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Download Now: 2024 Journey Magazine - Edition One

Get access to your digital copy of Phoenix Society for Burn Survivor's Community Magazine!

Journey Magazine is a publication written by the burn community, for the burn community. This free magazine is filled with content for the burn community including stories, information, and more. 

Cover of the magazine

Inside this edition:

  • Dedicated to Hearing and Amplifying the Survivor Voice
  • Beyond Survival: How One Couple Found Wholeness in Community
  • Expanding Our Reach
  • Walking the Road to Recovery Together: A Specialist and Survivor Speak
  • Mastering the Art of Good Sleep after a Burn Injury
  • Meet Our New Sr. Director of Programs and Services: Jill Sproul
  • Tips for Dating After a Burn Injury
  • Healing Presence: Chaplaincy in the Burn Center
  • Ask the Experts
  • Author Spotlight
  • Burn Community Bookshelf

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